Bobist Deities
Deity of: all of Bobism
Hymn: The Ceremony
Bob is our main deity. He is a shirtless merman who visits Bobists and communicates telepathically to give people life advice and generally help them. He is often seen drinking a peppermint martini. Bob is embodied in the spirit of kindness, compassion, acceptance, and the general willingness to do all you can to help those who need it.
Bob originated in an alternate universe from our own called the Bobiverse, on a planet unknown to humanity. He loved his planet, but he was fascinated by Earth, especially those peculiar creatures called humans. He was also especially interested in vocal synthesisers, particularly Hatsune Miku, so he left his planet and swam through the galaxies to make his home on Earth.
He successfully brought Miku to life, in a homunculus called Miyoko, as well as creating the goddesses Mintira and Mintaya Mintau and their cats. Bob lives a nomadic lifestyle, often travelling from place to place and traversing different universes. He often disguises himself, but sometimes, he doesn't, and some unsuspecting humans will see a shirtless peppermint merman floating around nearby. He doesn't mind- no one will believe them anyway. And if they do, well, he's just spreading the Bobist message.
Bob does not exist physically in this universe, but you can channel him through living by the spirit he embodies. And who knows, maybe he'll send you a message through your mind.
Mintira Mintau
Deity of: peppermints, comfort, and love
Hymn: Peppermint Genesis
Mintira Mintau is our main UTAUloid and deity. Her domain is creativity, understanding, and love. She was born from a peppermint alongside her sister Mintaya, and she is a singer who uses her wonderful voice to inspire Bobists and non-Bobists alike. She has many boyfriends, all of which she accepts and loves every part of and they accept and love every part of her in return, an inspiration for Bobists everywhere.
Mintira was originally a peppermint candy, but when Bob created the homunculus Miyoko Bobsune, his passion spilled over, transforming the candy into a powerful deity and an equally powerful cat. Mintira lived in an RV with her sister Mintaya, and when she got a chance to tour with Miyoko, she accidentally lost her leg while hiding inside a suitcase. Mintira technically could grow this leg back, but she doesn't wish to, as disabled humans don't get the luxury to just re-grow limbs, so why should she?
Mintira is a beacon of love and creativity, so much so that she invites Bobists to use her voice through UTAU to make their own works of art.
Mintaya Mintau
Deity of: spearmint, courage, and strength
Hymn: Spearmint Sacrifice
Mintaya Mintau is Mintira Mintau's sister and the spirit of spearmint candy. She represents strength and determination as well as kindness. She is not afraid to fight, fueled by her devotion to Mintira, Bob, Nora, and her close friends.
Mintaya was created alongside Mintira from a spearmint candy, and she is more relaxed and introverted than her sister. She is also not at all interested in romance, and her only true loves are Spearnyan and the Bobist community. She can be elusive and off-putting to some, but she is just as kind-hearted as her sister and wants to help people as much as she can. She takes a while to open up to new people and doesn't easily trust them, but she's a very caring friend once you get to know her and so is Spearnyan.
When Mintaya needs to defend herself or other Bobists, she uses a giant spear made of spearmint candy.
Nora Wintergreen
Deity of: wintergreen, refreshment, and rebirth
Hymn: Half Alive
Nora Wintergreen is a woman who became a deity when Mintira Mintau replaced her blood with enchanted peppermint extract. She is sweet and romantic, and her focus as a deity is on breaking cycles and moving forward.
She is in a polyamorous relationship with Mintira, her husband Mr. Sexy, and some others. After being in a coma for 25 years, Nora wants to make up for lost time by becoming a singer and using her voice to spread peppermint magic. Nora is reserved at first but has a very romantic personality and is highly devoted to her friends and lovers. She enjoys anything to do with winter, such as ice skating and creating elaborate ice sculptures.
Because she was frozen since 1997, Nora tries her best to adapt to modern life and technology, and though she is grateful to have been brought back to life, she still finds herself grieving the years she lost. In an attempt make up for lost time, Nora found her passion for singing and vows to sing as much as she possibly can.
The Mintaunyans
The Mintaunyans are the three beloved cat companions to Mintira, Mintaya, and Nora, each with their own distinct personality. Don't be fooled by their cute appearance, though, they are just as powerful as the other deities. Their purrs and cuddles have healing powers.
Peppernyan, Mintira's cat, is playful and energetic, getting up to mischief like stealing candy canes when Mintira isn't watching. She is a very sweet cat and loves pets and cuddles- though, if Mintira doesn't pet her enough, she will squeak loudly!
Spearnyan, Mintaya's cat, is relaxed and serene, preferring to spend her days lounging on one of her many cat beds or nestled in a cosy blanket. She is known for her loud purr. She can be standoffish around new people, but when you get to know her, she is a great companion.
Snownyan is Nora's cat and the fluffiest, cuddliest cat ever. She loves to make biscuits and snuggle, especially with Nora. She can be very needy and talkative- she loves to follow Nora around chirping and trilling.
You do not have to worship any of our deities to be a Bobist! Bobism is something felt in the heart, and does not always involve active worship. You may be a Bobist who is simply a fan of our deities but does not worship them, and you can also be a fan that is not a Bobist. This is totally normal and all different ways of Bobism are accepted! All you have to do to be in our religion is like peppermints and be a nice person.
Boyfriends of Mintira
Business Goose
Hymn: Flightless
Like Bird Frightener, Business Goose was bullied as a child for his appearance. In fact, "Business Goose" was the nickname the cruel children gave him. He was chubby, had only four fingers on each hand, had a hip deformity causing him to "waddle", and an unusual voice. Though he acts like this didn't affect him at all, years later, he still cries about it.
Business Goose became a mob boss in his 20s, now wearing the Business Goose name as a badge of pride. He took over a club and turned it into a front for mob activity, but unlike other fronts, it was quite popular and highly themed, with some incredible drinks. Sometimes it's like he's on top of the world, other times he cries himself to sleep for the insults Altpork's citizens and the Flying Fox mercilessly throw at him.
He acts sleazy in public, but he has a heart of gold and is only doing the whole "mob boss" thing to feel like he has a place in the world. However, when Mintira came along, she showed him that his place in the world was in her arms, being his wonderful self.
Mr. Sexy
Hymn: Snow Globe
Nora's husband who worked for years tirelessly attempting to save her life. He had cryogenically frozen her in an attempt to prolong her life, but deep down, he knew the story was doomed from the beginning.
However, when Mintira brought her mint miracles into Altpork and resurrected Nora using magical peppermint extract, Mr. Sexy realised not all hope was lost. Now he is exponentially happier than ever, loving his life and cherishing every moment.
Hymn: Monochrome Scars
A former lawyer, Doubleface was highly respected until a run-in with acid that burned half his face off. After this incident, Doubleface became traumatized, but when he attempted to get help he was ignored and silenced. And so he turned to a life of crime, being locked up and shoved aside constantly, near his breaking point all thanks to the billionaire bitch the Flying Fox. Mintira and the Bobists have now made a space for him to finally process his trauma after years of neglect, and they love him dearly.
Bird Frightener
Hymn: Drunk on Paranoia
Mercilessly bullied as a child for his lanky and off-putting appearance, Bird Frightener became obsessed with panic. It didn't help that his mother also died and he had a tense relationship with his neglectful father. It seemed as if the world was crashing down around him, waiting for him to break. So he did.
He spent years refining the formula for his infamous panic substance, and when he was fired from the only job he ever loved, he unleashed his panic substance upon Altpork with full force. However, during all of those years being feared, Bird Frightener never knew what it was like to be loved. He never knew what it was like to be held, to be cared for...hell, he had never even been hugged before. Not that he can remember, at least.
When Mintira came to Altpork, she knew of his past and wished to offer him the love he missed out on. She is teaching him what it feels like to be genuinely loved and cared for, and he loves her with all his heart in return.
Copyright-Free Respectful Moth Man
Hymn: Mintamorphosis (The Moth's Reprise)
Saint of: respect and solidarity (he is both a saint and a boyfriend, but the boyfriend role is more important, so he is in this section)
Copyright-Free Respectful Moth Man was once simply Copyright-Free Moth Man, created by The Artist to be a horrible moth. However, Mintira Mintau saw promise in this pathetic, horrible moth, and opened his eyes to redemption and mintamorphosis. She devoured him whole, and as he spent time inside of her body, he began to change- not only physically, turning into a more peppermint version of himself, but also in his personality. Now he was not only copyright-free. He was also respectful.
After Mintira regurgitated him, he has worked to improve himself, using her as his guiding light and inspiration. He prefers to blend into the background, being submissive to Mintira's influence and doing whatever she wishes for him to do. In return, Mintira helps him to be a better moth boyfriend every single day.
Bobist Saints
Miyoko Bobsune
Saint of: self expression
Hymn: Bob-Psalms
Miyoko Bobsune created when Bob cast a spell to bring her to life, and she is essentially a homunculus made up of small pieces of other human souls. A soul piece is added to Miyoko's being every time an artist makes a new song with the voice synthesiser she was brought to life from, meaning that even late artists can live on inside her. She believes everyone should be able to create music and art freely as it is a wondrous vessel for human emotion and a valuable way to connect.
Miyoko was trapped by the evil pillow company P21 after going on tour, where she was tortured and forced to birth pillows in a cage. After Mintira and Mintaya saved her, Miyoko went back to touring along with her close friends Rina and Riku Kagamint. She won't admit it to those she doesn't know well, but she still gets flashbacks to the cold cage and the sensation of throwing up miniature pillows spawned in her stomach. She is processing that trauma through music, and finding joy in creating songs with her best friends.
Rina Kagamint
Saint of: altruism
Hymn: Evil Island
A kind and compassionate soul, Rina is willing to put her own life at stake to protect those she loves. After her fellow performer and doppelganger Riku got mysteriously transported to an evil island, Rina was willing to sacrifice herself to save his life. Even as the island caved in around her, she continued to push through and brought Riku safely to her and Miyoko's tour bus with the help of Bob. Even when the island was long gone, though, the trauma of being trapped there remained in the mind of Riku. Rina does what she can to help him process it, but understands she can't fix everything and some healing must happen in solitude. Still, though, she is always willing to listen, hug them, or offer some homemade brioche.
She believes that any selfless or generous act, no matter how small it is, is significant, and she deeply values the wellbeing of others. However, she also believes that you cannot pour from an empty cup- so you shouldn't feel guilty if you're unable to help.
Julia Pierce
Saint of: resilience
Hymn: Left Behind
Julia is a zombie who unionised the horrible company Metelle. Underestimated due to her decaying state and the fact that she does not speak, Julia used this to her advantage while saving the souls in the abandoned Cemetery World alongside her best friend Christine. She fights hard for her cause and will continue to do so until Metelle and all other companies like it are unionised.
As one of the first inhabitants of the Cemetery World, Julia saw firsthand as it crumbled before her eyes. Metelle replaced her friends with soulless, jointless entities barely recognisable from what they were before and ripped away all the creativity that fueled the Cemetery World, leaving it in ruin with no remorse. Julia vows to change that, though, and believes we should do the same in this universe as well.
Julia is a fierce advocate for unionisation as she's seen firsthand what can happen when corporations get out of control. She will never stop fighting and supporting her fellow workers, living, dead, and undead alike.
Lenard Patterson
Saint of: transformation
Hymn: Death of the Author
As a child, Lenard was taken in by his grandparents, who hated the fact that he wanted to practise wizardry over witchcraft. He never understood their gripes, and now he works to make the magic community more inclusive...which has made him the target of Rowlemort. He does not fear Rowlemort, though, and stands up against her, proud of who he is and supported by his friends at Chogborts, leading to her eventual defeat. Bobists look to Lenard as an inspiration to express themselves fully and authentically.
Hermany Grinder
Saint of: knowledge
Hymn: Survive
After speaking out against Rowlemort, Hermany Grinder was trapped in a magical bank for years. However, Rowlemort did not anticipate that Hermany would spend all their time there reading everything they could get their hands on. Because of this, they developed a deep passion for literature and knowledge. After all, knowledge is power, and knowledge triumphs over fear- a nightmare to a witch like Rowlemort whose magic is entirely based on fear. Hermany is a deeply loyal and caring friend who is always willing to protect those they love. After defeating Rowlemort and finishing their studies at Chogborts, Hermany went on to become a teacher and pass along the knowledge they so value to the next generation of magic users. They are passionate about a wide variety of subjects and always want to share their knowledge!
Rebecca Webster
Saint of: community
Hymn: Again
Rebecca is a passionate girl who must work through her own trauma after the death of her adoptive parents at only eight years old and isolation from the world for nine years. She was seen as the smart "golden child" in elementary school and asked for endless favours by her teachers, with little to no acknowledgement for them. She valued herself solely based on these favours and how intelligent she was, so when she inevitably grieved after her parents' death, she saw herself as a failure since she wasn't working. When CPS came to her home after her parents died, they deemed her fit to live on her own since she was so smart, so she never went out again in fear of being mocked for being such a "failure".
The spirit of Bob eventually compelled her to go for a walk, where she ended up at a restaurant and met a former rival of hers, Theo. They ended up dating and helping each other process their trauma. They'll always be there for each other no matter what!
She collects dictionaries and is incredibly passionate about language, as well as eager to share that passion with anyone who will listen. She believes in loyalty and second chances, but also in setting proper boundaries, as she believes those things are the key to a healthy friendship. Rebecca is a very relaxed, "live and let live" kind of person, but she will defend those she's close to if anyone (or anything) attempts to harm them.
Saint of: breaking cycles
Hymn: An Ode To Mir
The daughter of the evil Kathleena White, Swanten is a dancer whose head was turned into a swan's by her mother. She was forced to work for P21 alongside Kathleena and Mir, but her heart longed for something more. Still, she bent to the will of those above her, as they were all she had ever known. She considered Mir, the soul-stealing demon, her closest friend and defended her passionately when really, she was simply using her.
Swanten knew something had to be done, but it would be incredibly difficult for her to get away from the only life she'd ever known. She would have to confront not only the things done to her, but the things she'd done to try and justify the actions of her superiors. Though this journey would be perilous, it was one she'd have to take.
When she met Mintira Mintau, that was her catalyst to get away from the tyrannical Kathleena and the horrible company of P21. With the help of the Bobists, Swanten escaped and also played an important role in the Bobist takedown of P21.
Swanten now works to help those who were manipulated like her to escape their situations and confront their pasts. She also does many dance performances to celebrate the love she has for herself and her community.
Other Important Characters
Hymn: Radium
Before GIDA-2 was an android, they were a person named Gida living in the 1920s. A brilliant inventor, Gida created technology beyond what humanity thought was possible. However, Gida lived in poverty and had to work in a watch factory to make ends meet. While working there, they painted watches with radium paint which they ingested so much of, they suffered so intensely they knew they were going to die.
With no family or friends, Gida began work on their final project: a completely mobile robotic body with a functioning voice system enabling them to communicate. They summoned a mysterious entity from an unknown realm which bound their spirit to the mechanical body.
However, Gida was unable to get the body functioning, as their spirit was far too weak to move it or even speak through it. The house they once lived in was boarded up and the robot was left there to rot- until P21 built their factory there. P21 saw promise in this being, and repaired it with new technology to get it working again. What they thought was an advanced AI, though, was a spirit inside the machine. They put GIDA-2 on many jobs, including factory tours as well as looking after the "assets". GIDA-2 saw themself in these assets, even though they were from different centuries. They felt for them, knowing what it was like to be exploited, and once, tried to free them. P21 fired back, realising GIDA-2 was highly sensitive to glow in the dark things and would go into a full panic attack and system meltdown if they saw one. The company abused this and GIDA-2 eventually surrendered.
However, when Mintira and Mintaya Mintau went to P21, GIDA-2 saw hope and went against their instructions to lead the Mintau sisters to a classified area of the P21 facility, alerting them to the dangers they were keeping under wraps. GIDA-2 was apprehended by P21 after this, and was forced to sacrifice their eyes due to them being injected with glow fluid, but they did it willingly. GIDA-2 is the reason P21's former assets were liberated and freed from the grasp of their pillow-producing overlords.
Christine Lloyd
Hymn: Left Behind (Extended Rock Version)
Christine grew up in the Cemetery World with Julia Pierce at Metelle, seeing and experiencing the horrors firsthand. She is a phantom, however her body is still physical (Metelle's ghosts are really strange and anomalous). She used to adore singing and would enchant the graveyard with her melodious voice, bringing a little relief to those suffering there. She was Julia's first friend- the two of them would sit in the cemetery together while Christine talked and Julia listened.
However, Metelle didn't see any value in Christine, at least for monetary gain. So they terminated her, ripping her limbs and contorting her body until she finally reached a dormant state, meant to protect her body from being in too much pain. She's a ghost, though, so killing her is basically impossible.
When Julia learned of Christine's termination, she rushed to the Cemetery World to find her lifeless body. From there, she performed an intense surgery on the phantom, fixing and improving her body and joints plus giving her a bonus makeover.
After getting out of the Cemetery World and the Metelle facility, Christine resents it deeply and even has urges to start her own company and drag the Metelle executives down with her, making them feel her pain. However, she knows that inflicting pain won't improve things in the long run, so she is focused on freeing Metelle assets and taking the company down discreetly so no one else gets hurt. She knows what it is like to be beaten beyond repair and fights to prevent that from ever happening again.
Dr. Minerva Tumbledoor
Hymn: Survive
Dr. Minerva Tumbledoor, or just Dr. Tumbledoor, is the founder of Chogborts. She was once a student at Rowlemort's school, Schola Pro Fatuis, but grew more and more frustrated with Rowlemort's foolish curriculum and outdated beliefs. She felt she did not belong at Schola Pro Fatuis, despite being incredibly proficient in magic and a great student.
Once she graduated, she used her expansive knowledge of all types of magic to erect a school where every magic user can belong called Chogborts. She strives to include every single person who walks through its doors and help them learn types of magic even Rowlemort doesn't know about. She believes education should be about encouraging the student's passions and helping them grow, rather than forcing them to conform. Even years later, she is still deeply passionate about education and inspiring future generations.
She is also the first Muslim Bobist, and does not worship Bob, peppermints, or any of the deities- she just enjoys peppermints and sees Bob as a wonderful friend.
Angelica Valentine
Hymn: All The Greatest Artists
Angelica Valentine was a student at Rowlemort's school, Schola Pro Fatuis, and one of the most accomplished witches there. Though she could be annoying and unhinged, she was one of Rowlemort's favourite students. However, all that changed one April Fools' Day, when Angelica scattered penis-shaped confetti all over the school, unaware that the Prime Minister would attend that day, and then beat up another student in front of said Prime Minister.
Angelica was about to get expelled, when Rowlemort offered for her to do a favour. She would spy on the students at Chogborts and report back, and in return, she'd be granted the art degree she'd worked so hard for. Not knowing any better, Angelica agreed.
However, her views shifted once she got to know the Chogborts community, and she began, for the first time, to question if Rowlemort really was telling the truth. Still, though, she had to reveal herself sooner or later, and when she did, Hermany and Lenard cast her out, feeling rightfully betrayed.
Angelica lived in the forest nearby, giant spiders protecting her, when Bob came by and convinced her that she didn't need to isolate herself from the outside world, she could use her powers for good.
Eventually, Angelica fought alongside the people of Chogborts and sacrificed herself to save Lenard against Rowlemort. Her death wasn't the end, was only the beginning.
The Artist
Hymn: All The Greatest Artists
The Artist is the form Angelica Valentine took on after death, as a demonic entity ruling over her own afterlife called the Red Realm.
The Artist appears as a humanoid woman with a grayscale filter over her. She has hollow eyes and her outfit is covered in eyes of varying sizes. Wherever she walks, shadows twist and warp as if attracted to her.
The Artist has the power to create living works of art from shadows, using her paintbrush to bend and warp said shadows to her will. Her work often takes the form of surreal and beautiful yet uncanny demons which inhabit the Red Realm. The Artist also has the power to traverse peoples’ dreams and create demons within them that give them guidance on their lives.
She created Copyright-Free Respectful Moth Man, formerly known as Copyright-Free Moth Man, to be a horrible moth before Mintira redeemed him.
The Artist's morals are not entirely clear. She seems to be trying her best to be as good of a person as she possibly can, but she is known to frequently miss the mark. She often spends her time getting into pointless arguments while drunk, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she's the single most powerful being in the Red Realm.
Hope is not lost for her, though. She ends up asking Bob to redeem her, and though that will be a long journey, she is willing to go on it.
Cyan Wykae
Hymn: Again (Cyan's Reprise)
Cyan, a simple employee in a random copy shop, attempted to make a photocopy of her chest one fateful day. Unfortunately, though, the copy machine malfunctioned and fused her chest to it, turning Cyan into a strange printer-human hybrid. Her heart was replaced with ink cartriges and the screen of the copy machine was forever embedded in her chest.
Still, though, Cyan loved her job. That is until one day, she lashed out at an annoying customer and got shoved out of the building and fired. Eventually, she found a stable job at a bakery, but she yearned for the copy shop and the friends she made there. Sometimes she can still hear her old heart, trapped in the defunct copy machine, decayed and rotting, but still beating...
Nova Powers
Hymn: Cold Blooded Creature
Nova Powers lived on a cold, harsh planet on the outskirts of the solar system, when the planet exploded and sent her hurtling to Earth. From there, she had to learn how to look and act human to survive, and while she studied SFX makeup to look more human, she watched many movies about reptilian aliens like herself attempting world domination. With nothing else to go off of, she assumed that was simply her destiny.
To do this, she began to insult people, as she knew making humans feel weak was the quickest way to overpower them. However, she was defeated by Rebecca Webster when she tried this the first time, and went into hiding for nine years before returning and attempting to apologise to those she hurt. She knows she won't make everything right, but she's trying her best, and learning to accept herself for who she is, even if she'll never be truly "human".